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Faculty/Staff/DBA Student Research and Scholarly Activity Symposium

April 22, 2024 – Program from 4:00-5:00pm with Reception to Follow

Held in the Griswold Lecture Hall

About the Event

We are pleased to continue Northwood’s Thought Leaders’ series with the third annual Research and Scholarly Activity Symposium. This series is one of many avenues available to celebrate our faculty and staff’s expertise and to inform the community on those topics about which they are passionate.

In addition to showcasing faculty/staff research, the symposium will also feature Northwood DBA students. Students’ presentations will consist of an overview of their dissertation study and will allow them an opportunity to present to a wider audience.

Dr. Todd Thomas and Dr. Kristin Steuhower presenting on stage with an American flag in the background

Undergraduate Student Research and Scholarly Activity Symposium

April 29, 2024 – Program from 4:00-5:00pm with Reception to Follow

Held in the Griswold Lecture Hall

About the Event

Northwood University will host the first annual Undergraduate Research and Scholarly Activity Symposium. Undergraduate students engage in many thoughtful and creative research projects during their time here at Northwood, often with dramatic results. Common forms of research and scholarly activity we often see at Northwood include community projects, capstone projects, research papers, etc. 

The Symposium will provide an opportunity for students to share their research outside of the classroom. Additionally, it will allow the Northwood community to celebrate scholarly contributions.

Northwood student in a blue suit speaking into a microphone at an event

Seats Are Limited – RSVP Today!

Research and Scholarly Activity Symposiums

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