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Students pen essays in defense of freedom

August 17, 2022

Over the past 40 years, Northwood University has produced the iconic volume, When We Are Free. Used in class by every Northwood student, it is “an unapologetic endorsement of freedom and all of its corollaries: individualism, moral law, personal responsibility, private property,
free markets, limited government, and business enterprise.”

In the inaugural edition of When We Are Free (1981), Lawrence W. Reed stated, “No social movement in history has ever succeeded without a literature: good books are the fountainhead of good movements; bad books set evil forces in motion.”

More than 40 years after the first edition of When We Are Free was released, Northwood students have heeded Dr. Reed’s advice, launching this inaugural edition of Students in Defense of Freedom. It is an impressive collection of essays committed to liberty.

This series reflects how Northwood students think critically, and seriously embrace individual responsibility and self-determination. Each essay provides the reader with insights
and lessons from the perspective of a current Northwood student. Read each essay to better understand how our students reflect the values of The Northwood Idea.

In the Students in Defense of Freedom essay series, you will be introduced to Riley Hayer, a member of Northwood’s nationally ranked Mock Trial team. He makes the case for a third political party to break the oligopoly that exists between the Republicans and Democrats.

Freshman Andrew Willit serves on the Board of Turning Point USA. He argues in favor of undeniable second amendment rights, and how they outweigh possible negatives on American Society.

Alex Lowell is a varsity tennis player at Northwood and is deeply committed to freedom. In Capitalism: The Bearer of Freedom, Alex reminds us that capitalism enhances our freedom and provides a better life for all people.

Alissa Butcher is an honors student and Northwood’s Turning Point USA Chapter President. She provides evidence in support of capitalism, and maintains socialism fails in all cases, destroys countries, and ruins lives.

Alex Marashai is a graduate student at Northwood’s DeVos Graduate School of Management. He provides the reader with a case against critical race theory (CRT), suggesting it is simply a left ideology and serves as a tool of cultural Marxism.

Finally, Students in Defense of Freedom Editor Andrew Reder makes the case that home school is a personal right, and the state does not have the constitutional right to regulate education. He believes school choice must be protected if we wish for all children to thrive and meet their full potential.

“At Northwood University, we have a strong commitment to personal freedom, rule of law, limited government, and free enterprise,” stated President Kent MacDonald. “Our values reflect a belief that in every human heart is a natural yearning to be free. Through these essays, these Northwood students demonstrate their ability to think critically and independently about issues impacting their world. Further, it reflects their commitment to freedom and The Northwood Idea.”

MacDonald noted the Students in Defense of Freedom essay series should serve as an inspiration for every new student who joins us at this distinctive and important university.

“I am hopeful it will be read in its entirety by all those who cherish freedom,” he added. “I thank each of the student contributors to this volume. I believe Dr. Reed would see this new volume of literature as contributing to the fountainhead of good movements. In a world that is becoming overwhelmed by leftist, socialist ideology, you give us hope.”

The following are links to the essays, which have been published online at True North:

Two Isn’t Enough: Tearing Down the Political Oligopoly

The Benefits of 2nd Amendment Rights on American Society

Capitalism: The Bearer of Freedom

Why Socialism Fails

Critical Theories: An Antithesis of the American Idea

Homeschooling is a Right That Should Not Be Denied Through Over-Regulation

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