Kate Hessling
Northwood University is announcing the latest in an online series of lessons about freedom and free-market economics.
The lesson posted Sept. 16, “The Constitution, Rules and Games,” is taught by Dr. Glenn Moots, who chairs Northwood’s Political Science and Philosophy Department.
“Viewers from all education levels and backgrounds will appreciate Dr. Moots’ engaging lecture,” stated Dr. Dale Matcheck, who chairs the Economics Department at Northwood University.
Moots, who resides in Sanford, recently was named one of the university’s inaugural Bretzlaff Scholars following a gift from The Hilda E. Bretzlaff Foundation to support teaching and research efforts at Northwood.
Matcheck noted Moots’ lesson is an excellent example of the effort Northwood is making to provide the public an engaging look into the importance of the timeless set of values set forth by The Northwood Idea.
“We believe that societies founded on these principles will flourish,” he added. “In political life, this means a limited government, where the rules apply equally to all and the rights and liberty of each person is secure. In economic life, it means a system of free enterprise, based on private property, free markets and competition. These essential institutions of a free society liberate the creative energies of the people, and promotes improvements in material prosperity, economic opportunity and quality of life.”
Northwood, with the support of generous donors, announced the formation of an online course, “Philosophy of Free Enterprise,” on the University’s Founder’s Day in March, when the first online lesson, “A Brief History of Progress,” was published on our online course platform.
Northwood published the second lesson, “Innovation & Innovism” on July 4. A third lesson, “Vocation of Business,” was published over Welcome Weekend at Northwood, Aug. 20-21.
The lesson posted Sept. 16, “Constitution, Rules and Games,” is part of a module entitled, “Limited Government and the Rule of Law.”
The University will release additional modules with various lessons throughout the year, which will comprise a full course by year’s end. Learners will be able to test their knowledge and earn certificates from Northwood University upon successfully completing the course.
The principal donors behind this effort are Donald S. Gottwald, a 1988 alumnus, and his wife, Pamela. They wanted to highlight The Northwood Idea, the University’s guiding philosophy that provides a foundation for students to apply their unique individual talents in a free society to realize a life well spent.
The effort to bring lessons about The Northwood Idea to the public also is being aided by a generous gift from the Thomas F. and Harriet S. Oakley Family Trust.
Donors who value liberty, the American free-enterprise system, and creating leaders who drive economic and social progress may consider a gift to Northwood University. Visit our giving page or contact Northwood’s advancement office at (989) 837-4356.