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Omniquest Selection Fall 2018

August 26, 2018

Our Omniquest selection for the 2018 fall semester is Team of Teams New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World by General Stanley McChrystal with Tantum Collins, David Silverman, and Chris Fussell.

The Michigan campus lead the search for this fall semester’s selection and my thanks to Dean Timm and the faculty.

This book takes lessons learned from fighting Al Qaeda in the Middle East and applies them to any organization needing to adapt to rapidly changing technology and other disruptive forces. This requires new ways to communicate and work together to innovate. Management models need to be based on resilient adaptations to the changing environment. Organizations must be networked, rather than siloed, to create sustained organizational adaptability. General McChrystal and his team found they needed to change the internal architecture and culture of their task force in order to succeed. Their experiences can inform all leaders on how to change their approach to management.

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