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Northwood University Students Elected for Michigan Circle K District Board

April 2, 2014
A photo of Emily Bagwell

Emily Bagwell, District GovernorCircle K of Northwood University participated in the Michigan District of 59th Annual Circle K Convention hosted by Oakland University on March 28-30, 2014. Circle K International is a globally recognized service organization with more than 12,600 members in 17 nations. With projects ranging from March of Dimes to UNICEF’s Eliminate campaign, Circle K International is always helping the community become a better place to live. Circle K is a level under the Kiwanis International organization. Midland Kiwanis sponsored the members of Northwood’s Circle K to lower the cost of participating in the convention.

While there are many activities that take place over the course of the weekend, one very important event is the nominations for the new district board that holds office from April 1, 2014 until April 1, 2015. Two Northwood students were nominated and elected for the Michigan Circle K District Board. Emily Bagwell, a sophomore from Livonia and currently Northwood’s Circle K president, was elected for the position of district governor. Alysia Rollins, a sophomore from Harrison Township and currently Northwood’s Circle K vice president, was elected for the position of district treasurer. This is the first time Northwood students have been elected for a position on the Michigan District Board.

Alysia Rollins, District Treasurer

Northwood’s Circle K also won two district awards. The first award is the Outstanding Club Improvement Award. Northwood also earned the Outstanding Club Achievement Award which is arguably the top award and takes into account all functions of a Circle K club—the number of service, leadership and fellowship activities hosted; the level of interaction with other Circle K clubs; the level of interaction with other levels of Kiwanis; involvement at District events; the amount of publicity in local papers, news stations and radio stations; and total service hours logged.

In addition to these club awards, one individual member was recognized for going above and beyond. Brianna Reising, a junior from Williamsburg, OH, won the John Nash Outstanding Circle K Member Award.

Emily Bagwell also received the Kiwanis Foundation Matching Scholarship.

For more information on Circle K, contact Teresa Sullivan, director of student life, at 989.837.4227 or .

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