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Northwood to Host Debate Regarding US Involvement in the Middle East

February 24, 2015

Northwood University’s Forum for Citizenship and Enterprise will host a special debate on Monday, March 2, 2015 featuring foreign policy analysts Max Boot and Doug Bandow. Given President Obama’s request to Congress for authorization of military force against ISIS, the debate is especially timely.If you missed the debate, you may view the full recording online.Are U.S. National Interests in the Middle East Best Advanced by Active Military Intervention?

Video above featured on ABC 12 WJRT

Max Boot will be arguing that American national interests are best served by active military intervention. Boot is the Jeane J. Kirkpatrick Senior Fellow for National Security Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations and also a leading military historian, foreign policy analyst, and advisor to both military commanders and political leaders. He is the author, most recently, of the New York Times best-seller Invisible Armies: An Epic History of Guerrilla Warfare from Ancient Times to the Present (Norton/Liveright, 2013). He is also a contributing editor to The Weekly Standard and the Los Angeles Times, and a regular contributor to The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Commentary, and other publications.

Doug Bandow will argue against American military intervention in the Middle East. Boot is Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute and previously served as a Visiting Fellow at the Heritage Foundation and a Special Assistant to President Ronald Reagan. In addition to authoring or editing three books on foreign policy, he is a columnist for Forbes online and has been widely published in such periodicals as Time, Newsweek, Fortune, Christianity Today, Foreign Policy, Harper’s, National Interest, National Review, New Republic, Orbis, and World, as well as leading newspapers including the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post.  He currently is a regular contributor to the American Conservative, Huffington Post, National Interest online, American Spectator online, and Daily Caller.

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