Northwood University’s Commencement
Spring 2025 Commencement: Saturday, May 10th at Riepma Arena
The first ceremony will take place at 10:00am and the second ceremony will take place at 2:00pm.
We look forward to celebrating this achievement with you! Please note these important Commencement details below.
Note: Audio for the live stream will start after Pomp and Circumstance.
First Ceremony – General Information
- Ceremony begins at 10 a.m. in Riepma Arena (Doors open at 9).
- Doors to Riepma Arena will be closed to guests at approximately 9:50 a.m. to allow for faculty and graduate entrance.
- Each student will receive 5 guest tickets. Graduate does not need a ticket. Tickets will become available April 1, 2025 via the online HomeTown Fan App. A separate Ticketing Instructions sheet and FAQ’s will be emailed to graduates in March.
- Stage is disabled accessible.
- Disabled guest seating is available in the arena. Please alert an usher if assistance is needed.
- Please email  by March 15, 2025 if special accommodations are needed.
Note: Due to current safety regulations, please do not bring balloons into Riepma Arena during the commencement ceremony.
Second Ceremony – General Information
- Ceremony begins at 2 p.m. in Riepma Arena (Doors open at 1).
- Doors to Riepma Arena will be closed to guests at approximately 1:50 p.m. to allow for faculty and graduate entrance.
- Each student will receive 5 guest tickets. Graduate does not need a ticket. Tickets will become available April 1, 2025 via the online HomeTown Fan App. A separate Ticketing Instructions sheet and FAQ’s will be emailed to graduates in March.
- Stage is disabled accessible.
- Disabled guest seating is available in the arena. Please alert an usher if assistance is needed.
- Please email  by March 15, 2025 if special accommodations are needed.
Note: Due to current safety regulations, please do not bring balloons into Riepma Arena during the commencement ceremony.
Graduation Regalia (cap, gown, stole, tassel, etc.)
- Please make sure graduation regalia is steamed prior to commencement:
- Undergraduate regalia: cap/gown and stole.
- Graduate regalia: cap/gown and hood.
- Doctoral gowns: Please reach out to your DeVos contact for information on doctoral gowns.
- Extra supplies will be available in the Turf Building at 9 a.m. on the day of Commencement.
- Graduation regalia for Northwood Online and DeVos students will be mailed to each graduate.
Graduation Day Information
- Graduates need to be in the Turf Building (behind Riepma Arena) an hour before the ceremony.
- Bring your regalia & name cards with you to the ceremony. Extra supplies will be available in the Turf Building. You will not be able to carry anything else with you during the ceremony when you cross the stage.
- Name Cards — both need to be filled out. You will take these cards with you as you approach the stage. The blue card will be used to announce your name as you cross the stage.
- White Card — Professional Photographer Card ( Expect an email a few weeks after commencement with photo options. Please use QR code to enter your information.
- Blue Card — NU Alumni Card. Your name is on the back of this card. You may add the phonetic pronunciation, if needed. This is how your name will look on your diploma. If you need to make any changes to your name, please email the Registrar’s Office at
- Graduation marshals will lead you into ceremony and direct you to and from the stage — please follow their directions.
- Graduate Dress Code:
- Graduates are expected to wear appropriate dress clothing (business casual)
- Caps may be tastefully decorated. No inappropriate symbols or language will be allowed.
- Place tassel to the right until degree is conferred. (Undergraduate Only)
- Place Tassel to the left for the entire ceremony. (Graduate Master)
- Do not wear unapproved sashes, stoles, or cords
- Do not pin flowers to the gowns
Honors Designation
- Honors for Commencement are determined on April 1, 2025, and will be noted in the commencement program, and listed on your blue card to be read along with your name. Honors for diplomas are determined at the completion of your curriculum.
- Honors designations are as follows:
- summa cum laude = 3.90 cumulative GPA
- magna cum laude = 3.70 cumulative GPA
- cum laude = 3.50 cumulative GPA
- Northwood does not provide honor cords
Additional Information
- A Graduation Reception for all graduates and their guests will be held in the Hach Student Life Center immediately following Commencement.
- Lodging & restaurant information can be found here
- Graduation announcements and gifts can be found at:
Honors Convocation
You can livestream the Honors Convocation prior to the ceremony once the link becomes available.

Graduation Photo Ops
We’ve put together a map to point out some great spots on campus for photos of students and their families!

Order or Purchase Graduation Gifts
Or, call the bookstore at (989) 837-4225 or email