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Elizabeth Graber

January 1, 1990

1990 – Greenwich, Connecticut

Elizabeth (Betsy) Graber was born in Milwaukee. She attended Endicott Junior College in Massachusetts and The Tobe Coburn School in New York and was Associate Fashion Editor of McCall’s magazine. She and her husband Fredric, a private investor, are the parents of two children. One of her major projects has been the Executive Committee of the Women’s Division of The New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center, with special focus on outreach patient education, management of teen pregnancy and invitro fertilization programs. She has chaired their highly successful annual benefits on several occasions. She also has been a benefactor to and member of the Associates Board of The Museum of Broadcasting in New York City. The museum is a repository for years of radio and television history, all in one building. She has served as docent and a fund raising leader. “Our greatest resources are our young people; they must be trained, nurtured, encouraged and prepared to enter the free enterprise system. This cannot be attained without an outstanding educational and vocational system,” she says.