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Frances Hesselbein

January 1, 1998

1998 – New York, New York

Frances Hesselbein is Chairman of the Board and founding President of the Peter F. Drucker Foundation for Nonprofit Management, and Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Josephson Institute for Ethics. She serves on numerous nonprofit and private sector corporate boards. Mrs. Hesselbein is Editor in Chief of the quarterly journal Leader to Leader, Co-Editor of three volumes of the “Drucker Foundation Future Series” (which has been translated into sixteen languages) and two additional books published in 1999. President Clinton awarded Mrs. Hesselbein the 1998 Presidential Medal of Freedom, America’s highest civilian honor, recognizing her leadership as Chief Executive Officer of Girl Scouts of the U.S.A. (1976 – 1990) and her role in leading social sector organizations toward excellence in performance through her work at the Drucker Foundation. Mrs. Hesselbein holds 13 honorary doctorate degrees and the Harvard Business School published a case study of her work with the Girl Scouts of the USA She has been featured on the covers of Business Week and Savvy magazines as an example of managerial excellence. In 1995 she was the first woman to be inducted into the Johnstown, Pennsylvania Business Hall of Fame. Mrs. Hesselbein’s international work includes serving as chairman for world conferences and seminars. She has addressed audiences world wide on topics such as philanthropy, corporate social responsibility, leadership and managing nonprofit organizations. She also has led Drucker Foundation teams to numerous countries to present sessions on leadership and management in the social sector. She recently received the Legion of Honor Gold Medallion of the Four Champlains and the Distinguished Alumni Fellows Award from the University of Pittsburgh. She is included in Who’s Who in America and Who’s Who in the World.