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John E. & Margaret Mary Shuff

January 1, 2003

Co-Owners JES Publishing Company Publishers, Boca Raton Magazine – Boca Raton, Florida

John (Deceased) and Margaret Mary Shuff launched JES Publishing in 1981 after John, then vice president and CFO of Capital Cities ABC (now Disney), was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. They decided to abandon the demanding New York corporate world and engage in a joint entrepreneurial venture in a more physically agreeable, and yet promising economic, climate. The result was Boca Raton magazine, the award-winning flagship publication of an enterprise that now numbers 12 different titles, including Salt Lake City magazine. Both John and Margaret Mary have a strong commitment to community and to their reader. Both are engaged in numerous charitable and cultural activities, John currently serving on the Board of the Boca Raton Community Hospital and Margaret Mary as Vice Chair of the Board of Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame, Indiana.