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Northwood University Esports Night Powered by Block House

Join us on Thursday, February 20, 2025, at the Saginaw Spirit game. Register to play

Paul N. Leone

January 1, 2006

President and Chief Operating Officer The Breakers Palm Beach and Flagler System Inc. – Palm Beach, Florida

Born and raised on Long Island, Leone was exposed to the hospitality industry at an early age. He was raised in a family that owned and operated five local motels and two restaurants. While he learned the intricacies of how to design, build and manage a business, two of the most important lessons learned were the belief that the ultimate hospitality is to treat a guest as if he or she were a guest in your own home; and to make every dollar count! Leone graduated from college with a degree in Accounting and soon began a career with Coopers & Lybrand. As a CPA, he worked with various hospitality accounts, including The Breakers. He joined The Breakers in 1985 and after several promotions became President and Chief Operating Officer of The Breakers Palm Beach and Flagler System, Inc. Leone has restored a strong sense of pride and teamwork in the 109-year old company’s staff members, leading to dramatic improvements in employee satisfaction, customer service and profitability. The quality of service that he leads his staff to produce each and every day for the guests of The Breakers Palm Beach will continue to be what sets Paul Leone apart as a leader in the hospitality industry.