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William H. Burgess

January 1, 1982

Chairman of the Board International Control Corporation Retired (Deceased) – Palm Springs, California

William H. Burgess’ business life exemplifies a commitment to the free enterprise system. Starting with a new product, he built an organization which grew into a major industrial corporation. Expanding through the acquisition of over thirty major product lines or companies, he built a company whose return for shareholders, sales and earnings increased at a rate of 50% annually. Surviving an unfriendly tender offer and take-over, Mr. Burgess triumphed through a subsequent successful proxy contest to return as Chairman of International Control Corporation. Reacquiring control of his company, he re-established the same internal rate of growth and profits previously enjoyed. He is a member of the Young Presidents, the Chief Executive’s Forum and numerous business, arts and educational associations. With his family he is a collector and leader in arts endeavors of wide magnitude. “To succeed in business, it is essential to have a long-range plan and also to recognize one’s limitations.”