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Edmund J. McCormick

January 1, 1983

Founder and Chairman of the Board McCormick Management Consultants, Inc. (Deceased) – Tarrytown, New York

Demonstrating the philosophy that arts and business make good partners, Edmund J. McCormick has contributed substantially to the human understanding of the role our creative nature can play. Through assistance to such institutions as Julliard, The Foster Foundation for Artists in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and the gift of his American art collection to the Hudson River Museum, he has made his commitment real. As the chief executive officer of an internationally recognized management consultant group, he has also served in government as chairman of the Governors Business Advisory Counsel for Management Improvement in New York and as a member of the Hudson River Valley Commission. His concern for the future of enterprise is well documented by his years of service to his firm, his community and his country. “My success in my business life is the result of my being surrounded by people who are smarter than I am.”