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Northwood University Esports Night Powered by Block House

Join us on Thursday, February 20, 2025, at the Saginaw Spirit game. Register to play

Moya O. Lear

January 1, 1983

Chairman of the Board LearAvia Current: Lear Companies (Deceased) – Reno, Nevada

The world knows that Bill Lear revolutionized private aviation with the Lear Jet. At his untimely death in 1978 he was part way through the process of single-handedly creating a second revolution with his Lear Fan aeroplane …a conception so daring no major airframe company dared approach it. It was Bill Lear’s dying wish that Moya Lear take over the project and “finish it.” No one else could have done it, but Mrs. Lear raised the additional capital, completed the engineering and the remarkable aircraft is now on the edge of that second revolution. Given the affectionate title of “Queen Lear” by the television program 60 MINUTES, Moya Lear has more than fulfilled her promise. More importantly, she has assumed the leading role in general aircraft innovation in the world with a gutsy gamble and determination matched by no one else. She is one of a kind. “I’m not a businesswoman. My job was to keep the gang together. I am a ‘people kind of girl’.”