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Richard M. DeVos

January 1, 1983

President Amway Corporation Current: Co-Founder (Deceased) – Ada, Michigan

Perhaps no more than a handful of men can take a roomful of skeptics and create, within an hour’s time, a roomful of informed, energized advocates of the American free enterprise system. Richard DeVos is one of those men. His ability lies not only in becoming a success but in effectively communicating how to do that to others. As president of the multinational Amway Corporation which he and his partner, Jay VanAndel began in 1959, he has shepherded its worldwide sales growth to more than one billion dollars. Mr. DeVos is on the board of more than 25 companies of national and international scope and has been the recipient of numerous awards, including the Thomas Jefferson Freedom of Speech Award and the Excellence in Management Award by “Industry Week.” To a generation of Americans who wish to make the most of themselves, he is “Mr. Free Enterprise.” “Challenge your abilities …discover your talents, never give up and you will do great things …out of that will come a great nation. God uses people to make a difference.”