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Terry D. Carder

January 1, 1987

Chairman of the Board, President and CEO The Reynolds and Reynolds Company Dayton, Ohio Current: Chairman and CEO BMS, Inc. – Centerville, Ohio

Terry D. Carder joined Reynolds and Reynolds as a Sales Correspondent in 1953 and advanced to the position of Manager of Sales Services. After holding various sales and administrative posts, he was appointed Vice President of EDP Services, Vice President of Marketing, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for Dealer Services, Vice President of Administration and Strategic Planning, and Executive Vice President. Mr. Carder was elected President and Chief Operating Officer in December, 1982 and was promoted to President and Chief Executive Officer in February, 1984. He was elected to the position of Chairman of the Board in November, 1985. He serves on the boards of several arts, health and educational institutions. “The practical application of education and believing in our free enterprise system is what makes our country great.”