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Georgette Mosbacher

January 1, 1991

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer La Prairie, Inc., Worldwide Current: Chairman and CEO Georgette Mosbacher Enterprises, Inc. – New York, New York

Georgette Mosbacher is Chairman and CEO of La Prairie whose unique collection of skin and hair treatment products is widely considered the “Rolls Royce” of the industry. Mrs. Mosbacher grew up in Highland, Indiana and graduated from the University of Indiana in 1969 with a degree in communications. Moving to Los Angeles, she had her own production company, Muir Productions. In 1977, she moved to New York City and joined Brut Productions, the film-making division of Faberge, Inc. When the film unit was sold, Mrs. Mosbacher was named head of Faberge’s newly formed licensing division and over the next seven years she learned every aspect of the beauty industry. She acquired La Prairie in 1988. Her 1985 marriage to Texas businessman Robert S. Mosbacher, Sr., who is U.S. Secretary of Commerce, took her to Houston where she has been involved in charitable, civic and social organizations. Among her other responsibilities, she is on the Advisory Board of the Center for Strategic International Studies and BEAUTY Magazine and she is National Chairperson for Community Development for Child Help USA. “Regardless of the circumstances of their birth, anyone can rise to whatever level of leadership they are capable of filling.”