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Ann H. Gaither

January 1, 1997

Chair The J.H. Heafner Company, Inc – Newton, North Carolina

Consistently ranked as one of America’s Top 50 Women Business Owners, Ann Heafner Gaither, Chairperson of The J.H. Heafner Company, combines her skills as a former teacher with her ability to just get things done. Mrs. Gaither began her ascension to the top of the company as a marketing planner in 1974 and by the early 1980’s was coordinating the overall performance of the company. Today, Heafner Tires & Products, along with Regul Tires, operates locations nationally and internationally and is widely respected for service and product quality. Her willingness to serve her fellow man is well known. Ann is a member of the prestigious Committee of 200 and serves on the Board of Directors for NationsBank and on the Governor’s Business Council on the Arts and Humanities, the Federal Reserve Bank of Charlotte, Western Girl Scouts Council and the North Carolina Department of Transportation Board. She is married to Albert and they have four children and six grandchildren. She still finds time to enjoy her first real passion, singing, and manages to teach occasionally. “All of us stand on the shoulders of those who went before us, and we also stand on the shoulders of those with whom we work.”